What is Gray Hat SEO?
Gray Hat SEO
Gray Hat SEO is not something between White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. It is defined as the technique or practice that is still not clearly defined by the Google’s publishing material and that is why a large number of people disagree on how these practices support or contrast the published guidelines of Google.
Gray Hat SEO is risky as compared to White Hat SEO but it does not results in getting your website banned. It may help you in gaining a lot of traffic or can put you in situations where you lose a great number of your website’s traffic.
Why Gray Hat SEO Matters Basically, the tactics of Gray Hat SEO cannot be categorized as good or bad because they vary from time to time. At one year, what considered to be Gray Hat is classified as Black Hat or White Hat the very next year so, the Gray Hat SEO techniques changes periodically. This sometimes make it difficult for the organizations to keep themselves updated with the current categorizations.
Popular Gray Hat SEO Tactics Some of the most used Gray Hat SEO Practices are:
1. Doing SEO Squatting
2. Creating Social media accounts for your pets.
3. Redesigning your website after regular intervals
4. Adding a comments box to your site pages and invite anyone to comment.
5. Using those sharing buttons unashamedly
6. Setting up a targeted paid directory specializing in one field
7. Linking yourself higher.
8. Using the free AdWords vouchers that you get in computer magazines.
9. Fabricating news
10. Providing Charity links.
11. Using a subscription based service to hide non relevant content
12. Writing negative reviews
13. Link chaining
14. Paying for reviews