Top Free WordPress Themes 2018

Top Free WordPress Themes 2018

Top Free WordPress Themes 2018

Before selecting a WordPress theme, it’s absolutely important to determine which features are essential and which you can live without. Your website should be very easy to use even for the person who knows little about your business. Always choose a responsive theme that is compatible with mobile and holds the widgets that are easy to use. If you are going for a theme that offers a lot of feature, make sure to add only the necessary ones so that your site would not experience slow page speed in the long run.

Best Free WordPress Themes 2018

Here are some amazing free WordPress themes listed down that help you in creating an engaging layout for your website. Let’s have a look at them:

  1. org theme directory is the most popular and useful platform for finding a free WordPress theme for your website. It contains almost of 4,486 themes and provides number of ways to find the specific theme you’re looking for. It has a volunteer theme review team who review and approve all submissions, and only those that meet quality and security requirements make it through.


  1. ThemeGrade

This platform was launched in 2009 and offers great review of the WordPress themes for the visual design as well as the SEO value. There are currently 1,628 free themes and 925 paid themes on the site which are known with the name Gold, Silver or Bronze. It also offers detailed editor reviews of approximately 40 WordPress theme providers.


  1. JustFreeThemes

JustFreeThemes has 623 free WordPress themes which are rated out of 10 for design, speed, support, code quality and customization. The owner of the site claims that they limit the themes they include well-coded and lightweight features that can have a good visibility on the web.


June 12, 2018 Leave your thoughts

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