How to Determine If a Page is “Low Quality” According To Google…

How to Determine If a Page is “Low Quality” According To Google…

How to Determine If a Page is “Low Quality” According To Google
Google is a highly advanced search engine where you cannot use substandard strategies to get higher rankings. In order to please both the search engines and potential customers as well as return visitors, you need to offer value above and beyond search engine optimization. A website that produces thin content for the purpose of getting certain clicks actually holds no value for the search engine user. This kind of content also tends to have high bounce rates and low conversion rates.
Due to plagiarism, a ranked website gets a bad reputation on Google. In addition, Google doesn’t like a copied or duplicate content so whenever you publish a copied or duplicate content on your website Google marks it as a low-quality content web page and gives you the low ranking in the searches. Your website can’t get a place in high ranked pages on Google.
How Google Determines the Quality of Your Page
Google uses several tools and software for determining the quality of the content that is present on page. It makes sure if you are following the Google guidelines and SEO rules or not and index your website according to the given factors.
GoogleBot crawls millions of pages every single day with the purpose of compiling the indexes of all the words that are present in the pages as well as their location. Besides that, the bots usually process information that is present in the key content tags and attributes, such as Title tags and Alt attributes. When a particular user enters a query, Google Bot searches all the indexes in order to find the relevant content and return the results that are highly useful for the user. Thus, if you are focusing on all the factors that are essential for SEO, Google will surely like your content and will rank it higher in the search engines.

June 12, 2018 Leave your thoughts

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