Do Twitter Ads Really Work.
Do Twitter Ads Really Work?
Twitter has emerged as the most popular platform for businesses to promote their products or services. Many large and small businesses are performing excellently on Twitter and have gained high conversion rate because of this platform. In order to gain higher ranking for your products or services, it is as important to optimize your twitter post as it is for search engines. With over 300,000 tweets per minute, people regularly see something new on Twitter. When you search for something on Google, you most probably see Twitter accounts featured in the search engine result pages.
Why Twitter Ads are Helpful
Twitter ads do work and provide amazing advantages to the websites. Let’s discuss the key reasons to use Twitter Ads for your marketing campaign:
Improve brand awareness
Twitter ads greatly helps in building brand awareness. Basically, Twitter users check their newsfeed several times a day which gives your preferred audience a repeated exposure to your ads.
Increase referrals and word-of-mouth
The advertisements on Twitter go viral within few minutes. Twitter is a great source to spread referrals and word-of-mouth as it significantly benefits your business statics.
Get higher SEO rankings
When you choose Twitter marketing as a medium to promote your products and services, it helps you to increase your social signals which indirectly influence the SEO rankings of your website. SEO rankings always consider the kind of effort that you have put while designing the content of your ad. If you have chosen the right keywords on the right platform, this opens door to higher rankings on search engines.
Make cost-effective advertising investment
Twitter Advertisement is the most budget-friendly form of investment that any business can ever make. You can effectively ramp up awareness about your services, increase touch points with your audience, and target previous customers, website visitors, & specific demographics using these ads.