Amazon account not allowed in Pakistan- using partners Amazon account

Amazon account not allowed in Pakistan- using partners Amazon account

Amazon is not working directly in your region. It’s not a matter to be worried. You are easily used and start your business with your Amazon partners.  This is the simplest solution to that Amazon can’t be allowed to work directly in your region. You can partner with someone who lives in a country where Amazon is already allowed. 

Countries, where Amazon is allowed, are Malaysia, UAE, Bahrain, etc. So let’s search for someone in these countries and start a partnership with that person.


Legality is the main highlight of partnerships in Amazon. For example, you live in Pakistan and you want to start a partnership with someone or your friend who lives in Malaysia. And he/she is to establish a business with you. So they become your front end partner and they hold their own Amazon account in their name.

So, what are the legal problems here?  The legal problems are that Amazon doesn’t allow anyone to use your Amazon account. Just the owner should use it. Laundering issues, since anti-money laundering laws are very strict in the countries where Amazon is allowed. However, you must understand one thing.  In case you have one Malaysian partner and the other one is Pakistani partner. You have a proper legal document in place that you guys are going to joint business partnership and run the business. No one can stop you. Amazon can’t do anything about it.

About partnership:

In this one partner can check the finance operation while the other operations such as customer support or order handling and shopping are performed by another partner. Choosing a loyal partner totally depends on your luck. That is the most important part also in partnership with Amazon’s account.

Does another question arise that what type of partnership deal you should have? Now, that’s also totally up to you. You can discuss with your partner what kind of deal you make with him.  You will run Amazon and you will know source products, sell online, make a profit, etc. 

Let say your partner is happy and satisfied with you and makes a deal with 50-50 sharing. Or may it be 30-70, how about 10-90. And sometimes fix monthly fees for the partner. If your partner has agreed on a monthly fixed amount. And Amazon calls your partner and gets information about your Amazon account and business, Your partners explain all details about partner, deal, logistics, and team. Amazon doesn’t have an issue with it. As long as you are doing it openly and not doing anything covertly. Then you have to declare you and your partner’s income on income tax. 

It means you complete every detail and generate a complete record and data of your business. When they declare everything and if there is a need to pay tax one should pay the tax also.

Other method for the Access of Amazon:

Another method that is somehow complex is that you have to visit those where you can access Amazon. Go to that country to get a long-term Visa and now get an Amazon account under your name and bank account. With your own visa/mastercard. But this method is complex and generates a cost for a long term visa. So the above method that is about the partnership is easy and pocket friendly.


One basic thing is clear that you can have an Amazon account under your partner’s name. And if you have legal documentation under you and your partner’s name where you have clarity of your business partnership. You can get virtual machines. So, you can log in as legal documentation is in place. No one can stop you.

March 7, 2021 3 Comments

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